Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I have to say, quite defensively I'm aware, that its not all been thumb twiddling during my long absence. I actually managed to try out some new games and check out some new (at least to me) shows so I have a plump post or two coming up on that.

I'm also tweeting now so you can get accosted by me in a whole new medium. I'm @neogogochan and I'm about sugar water stuff but also the hard ship of being an online scam artisan in a disillusioned world. Which I must be since I'm a Nigerian and I'm online? Oh - wait, no. I think we're terrorists now.

My sister and I have a t-shirt line (Imekura) and we just released a new collection. It's been years since we released one so please check it out. I even shot a video for it!

I have been working with Y and an amazing artist on a comic book called, "Monster Boy." It's a Nigerian cyber punk/fantasy boy adventure mini series. Easy.Delicious is on hold for now though not forgotten.

Well, '09 was a crazy year. I'm hoping i can make some sense out of '10 but so far, it ain't looking good. I really hope I can at least be a better blogger.

Here's looking at y'all kiddoz.

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